Monday 16 April 2012

Horse and Hound promote Cook Book

By Madeleine Pitt - Horse and Hound
11 April, 2012

Mary King shares her flapjack recipe in a charity cookbook

Top eventer Mary King has contributed to a charity cookbook with her trusty competition snack — "extra juicy flapjacks".

Mary has joined Raymond Blanc, Dame Judi Dench and Mary Berry in donating a recipe to “21 Treats for 21 Years”, which celebrates the Child Brain Injury Trust’s 21st anniversary.

The charity— which Mary became a patron of in March 2011 — supports families of children with brain injuries and provides information and training for healthcare workers.

“I felt it was a fantastic charity to support, helping families with children who’ve had accidents,” Mary told H&H.

“Especially as a mother, with my daughter Emily riding, you dread to think of anything awful happening to their head.”

The cookbook costs £5 (plus £1 p&p).
To order a copy call 01869 341075 or email