Friday 9 August 2013

Soap Opera To Reveal The True Problems Surrounding Brain Injury

If you were one of the 7.6 million people in the UK who tuned in on Wednesday night (7th August) to see the aftermath of the terrible car crash involving brothers David and Nick, you will be aware that Nick was seriously injured.  Over the coming episodes, we will see Nick having an operation to remove a blood clot from his brain.  When he wakes up from the coma, we are led to believe that Nick will no longer be ‘Mr Nice Guy’.  The show’s producers have worked closely with brain injury charities to highlight some of the hidden aspects of a brain injury that can manifest themselves.  If the spoilers are true, Nick’s character will experience some major personality shifts seeing him become irrational, bad tempered and very angry.

‘So what!’ you may be saying.  This is a soap, it’s not real!! However, our experience in working with children who have suffered similar injuries tells us that this is a very REAL problem.

Many parents whose children have suffered a brain injury tell us that the hidden aspects of brain injury are very difficult to come to terms with.  A child may look exactly the same as they did before the injury happened but inside they can be very different.  This is extremely hard for family and friends to deal with as they struggle to get to know the new person that has emerged.  The child themselves can become frustrated as they don’t understand what has happened to them and what the future may hold.

What is important is that families who find themselves in this situation get help and expert advice as soon as possible to help them to support their child on the road to recovery.  The Child Brain Injury Trust Helpline provides this kind of support to hundreds of parents every year.  The Helpline is completely confidential and provides vital information and emotional support when it is needed most.  If you or anyone you know would like to call us, the Helpline is staffed between 9 and 5pm weekdays.  The number is 0303 303 2248.  We have an answering service for calls out of these hours.  Also, you can send an email to and we will get back to you promptly.