Tuesday 3 January 2012

Challenge 21 - Let the Challenge Begin

Day 1
CEO Challenge

Not being a natural 'early riser' may bit a bit of a problem over the next 21 days - you see the only time I am able to get to the swimming pool to complete my mammoth challenge of 21 miles in 21 days is to be at the pool by 7am.

So after a very lazy Christmas break, this morning's alarm was a rather nasty shock! With rain speckling the window and the darkness of the night still around, I dragged my sorry self to the car and drove the 5 miles to the warmth of the Swan Pool in Buckingham.  The Christmas indulgence has taken its toll and I am in need of a good toning up, so the challenge will not only raise money for the charity but should also help with my general well being and fitness as we move into a very busy 21st year.

The first 20 lengths were probable the hardest and then the rest follows - 64 lengths done - 1,280 to go!!!

If you would like to sponsor me please go to www.virginmoneygiving.com/lisaturan to help me raise the first £2,100 towards our £210,000 target

Lisa Turan