Friday 6 January 2012

Day 4 - cramps start to hit

Day 4 of  CEO challenge 21 took me to Edinburgh to a lovely Victorian pool near the city of Edinburgh.  I decided quite early on that if I am to succeed at this challenge I need to find a pool wherever I am in order to maintain the momentum and to ensure that I stay on track. So having to be in Scotland to meet supporters and the team meant the need to find a suitable venue to continue.

So with new goggles in bag (I forgot to bring any with me, so had to walk two miles to find some and then realised that the pool would probably sell them - dah) I set off to find the pool (on foot again) with the help of a AA route map and my nose!

What I found was the above pool which I have to say was beautiful - albeit a little small and a tiny bit cold! Having the changing rooms around the outside of the pool was really good and made me wonder whether I should have bought my Victorian swimming costume complete with bloomers and bonnet - too much information!!

I made my way down to the pool side and slid in to begin 72 lengths of this 25 yard pool.... about 25 lengths in the cramps started and oh they didn't stop until about 65 lengths, so it was a pretty hard and painful hour!!!  However, I managed to complete the task and felt pretty good once done. Although today I am beginning to pay with aches across my neck and ache which should be sorted out with a massage and long hot bath when I get home tonight.

So day 4 and only 17 miles left to do.  Please sponsor me if you haven't already done so
thanks for your support